Lead Time vs. Cycle Time - iSixSigma 18 Apr 2010 ... Lead Time and Cycle Time are two important metrics in Lean and process improvement in general. However, many people do not seem to ...
Lead Time vs Cycle Time | Systems Thinking, Lean and Kanban 18 Apr 2009 ... Lead time clock starts when the request is made and ends at delivery. Cycle time clock starts when work begins on the request and ends when ...
Kanban: Definition of Lead Time and Cycle Time | Stefan Roock 2 Mar 2010 ... When doing Kanban for software development measuring cycle and lead times is important but often the terms are confused or defined in a ...
Lead, Cycle, Flow Time的差異- Yahoo!奇摩知識+ flow time在一般的情況下並不常用﹐工廠裡較為常用的詞是cycle time 與lead time, 說明如下: flow time: 在建造大型客機之類的大型工程中﹐有所謂flow ...
What is difference between lead time and cycle time - Wiki Answers Lead time is typically used to specify how long the delivery of a piece of equipment will take from purchase order to delivery. Cycle time is the amount of time ...
Lean glossary - Lean dictionary. Takt time, Cycle time, more. Lead Time = the average time it takes for one unit of the thing to go through the entire process — from start to finish — including time ...
Cycle Time and Lead Time - very confusing for me. Please help ... 14 Jun 2012 ... Some website consider cycle time as total time for all steps from start till end. At another place I found cycle time is for one step. Lead time is ...
Kanban: Definition of Lead Time and Cycle Time | Kanban Library Lead Time and Cycle Time are important metrics for implementing Kanban in software development. This article covers the differences between these two ...
Improving projects: The difference between Cycle Time and Lead ... 4 Jul 2013 ... So Cycle Time (as defined here) and Lead Time are very different concepts. However there is one important case where they are equal... when ...
Lead time - Guide to Agile Practices - Agile Alliance Some authors make a distinction between "lead time" and "cycle time". The former is a "user's point of view" measurement - the time between a request being ...